$ Zvonimir Rudinski / Projects / PHConvert

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October 2020 - October 2020

An application designed to facilitate the conversion of Excel templates into a file format compliant with the requirements of the Filipino government for tax-related purposes.


Project Goal

The client had previously developed Excel templates aimed at aiding businesses and individuals in monitoring their sales, purchases, and inventory.

However, to align with government regulations, these records needed to be converted into a specific file format mandated by the Filipino government.

Given the absence of an existing solution, I was entrusted with the responsibility of creating a custom tool to bridge this crucial compliance gap.


His knowledge and skills are incredibly valuable to any web development team. Kudos for his hard work and excellent communication.




In response to the client's desire for a user-friendly and accessible tool, I opted to develop it as a web application.

Leveraging the client's existing hosting infrastructure, which provided support for PHP, I selected PHP as the backend technology.

Given the tool's relatively simple structure with only a few pages, I made the decision not to employ a framework, ensuring a streamlined and efficient development process.


JavaScript played a pivotal role in enhancing the user experience of the application.

It was employed to introduce interactive elements, including the display of a loading indicator to signify ongoing file conversion processes.

Additionally, JavaScript facilitated the seamless resetting of the form after successful file conversion, further optimizing the overall usability of the tool.

Materialize CSS

Materialize was the UI framework of choice due to its user-friendly nature and capacity to deliver a clean and aesthetically pleasing design.

This selection expedited the development process by facilitating the creation of a responsive user interface, a pivotal element given the application's need to cater to users across various devices and screen sizes.